Drone day 2021: Palace Grand

On May 28/21, the Klondike Institute of Art and Culture (KIAC) was one of many groups hosting experimental sound events around the world for Drone Day – a day for swimming in noise, drone, massive sound. “Every year we make a noise together that stretches around the world.” https://droneday.org/

KIAC partnered with Parks Canada and about a dozen artists were each given a private box in the gorgeous Palace Grand theatre, to make sounds in the spirit of drone and/or experimental music. Most people spent two hours creating live, moving, resonant drone. The washes of sound were also broadcast on our local radio station, CFYT.


I was one of two participants who set up an installation rather than performing live. This video snippet gives you a brief sense of the density of sound that resonated in the three-storey building.

My soundscape was an expanded version of a piece I did for Cities and Memories about NASA’s 1958-59 Project Echo satellite experiments. That audiowork lives at http://citiesandmemory.com/space/

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